
Posts Tagged ‘Alone Time’

Alone Time

Relationships are great, especially when they are built upon love, desire and trust. You spend a lot of time with your significant other, go everywhere together, do everything together, and that is terrific and normal in a relationship. But even in the best relationships, each individual needs some “alone time” and that might be a crucial element in keeping the relations good and healthy.
Both guys and girls should encourage this time for each other. How many times have you wanted a “just the girls” night out, or the guys wanting to just hang with the boys? Or it can be as simple as saying to your partner, I want some “Me time”. If there is trust in each other, no doubts will occur in either’s mind. There would be no reason for it. In fact, it would probably make the bond even stronger, as both parties would get that “ball and chain” feeling. Everybody needs and deserves some alone time. It’s not a bad thing, it doesn’t mean something is wrong. People are born as individuals and have certain needs. Relationships are the bond between two people, so what is good for one also applies to the other.


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