
Posts Tagged ‘social networking’


Social networking has become so very popular in today’s society. Networking sites like Facebook and MySpace and the various blog sites are amongst the most popular. People, unfortunately, put in more information than they should, and many problems can and do occur as a result. This also has a bearing on online dating sites. There is a rise in crime and stalking because individuals just write too darn much about themselves. Remember, this info can be retrieved and viewed by almost anyone with a computer and internet access.

Case in point, I read that a girl was on an online dating site and was emailed by a guy who seemed to show interest in her. Eventually, they met and he turned out to be a creep. But during their date, she told him her true name and phone number, as well as the area she lived. His later emails took a nasty turn, where he started to scare her. It turned out that with the info provided to him, he had all the information he needed. He began to stalk her. He would write emails to her describing the clothes she was wearing. At least she was quick headed. She called the police and he was arrested. Now that example was a bit extreme, but it did happen! In social sites like Facebook and MySpace, people give their whole life history, making it all to easy for evil minded people to prey on them. Come on people, use your head!
Why would you ever put that much personal information on a public site? But people do! And some pay the consequences.

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